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Lynne Bradey

Partner at Wrigleys Solicitors LLP

Class of 1996

What is your most memorable moment as a student at Sheffield Girls'?

Mr Taylor, Chemistry, making a fire extinguisher, taking us into the playground, setting a fire, the extinguisher not working and him having to stamp on the fire.

Why did you decide to take the career path you did?

I wanted to do law and was a paralegal at a firm specialising in industrial disease. As part of that we had to get grants to allow compensation to be paid. Often when the person died there was no need to get a grant as everything was held jointly but for the claim we needed one. That involved quite a lot of detective work which was fun. My interest in private client law was piqued.  When I moved to Wrigleys to finish my training contract my boss was the expert on trusts for people who had been injured and I started looking after some of those clients. I still look after some of them now, 20 years later.

What are you doing now?

I specialise in looking after the finances , and therefore a lot of aspects of the lives, of people who have been through catastrophic experiences or who have disabilities and need extra protection. I look after people who have had accidents,  been injured at birth or shaken as babies, have brain and spinal injuries or learning difficulties. We have very long term relationships with clients and help with buying and adapting houses, care needs, investing money for the long term and a whole host of other needs. It is very rewarding and can be challenging too.  A lot of our clients only received part of the money they need to care for them so helping with other funding is vital.  I head up the team that specialises in that.

What have been the biggest challenges in your career? And the most rewarding parts of your job?

The most rewarding parts are building trust with clients, many of whom have had dreadful experiences, and helping to put lives back together, in a different shape from before but with hope and purpose. I love mentoring and encouraging colleagues and seeing them develop and thrive.  It's lovely when people tell me what colleagues have said about me. 

The challenges are recruiting great people and keeping an eye on the finances, which are necessary for any firm to flourish, and times when we can't solve a situation for a client.  Sometimes you just can't. 

Did your education at Sheffield Girls’ influence your career?

Yes, absolutely. It gave me the confidence and grades to pursue a career in law and enough understanding about myself to know I wanted to do a type of law that helped ordinary people.

What advice would you give Sixth Form pupils at Sheffield Girls’ today?

The culture of a workplace is vitally important.  Speak to people who work there to find out what it is really like. Many places tell you they are all sorts of things but for me, a place where you know your colleagues have got your back is the best place to flourish and to help others as well.

What did Sheffield Girls’ do for you?

I think the most important thing for me was to be in a school where trying hard and doing well were encouraged. Sheffield Girls’ was a great place to be. It gave me confidence and encouragement. I enjoyed debating particularly. My academic results were much better for being at Sheffield Girls’ too and I had the opportunity to study Ancient Greek for GCSE and A Level, GCSE in a class of two and A Level in a class of one! 

A Levels: German, History, Ancient Greek, Classics and General Studies

University: University of Sheffield, Law and LPC

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