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Classical Stories for Year 7

Wednesday 22 November was an exciting day for Year 7, when the school hall was transformed into a mysterious, dark place, and a travelling storyteller came to tell us the Greek tale of Perseus and Medusa.

Professional storyteller and GDST alumna Katy Cawkwell has been working as a storyteller since 1996 in venues across the UK and Europe.  Although Classics are not studied in Year 7, the girls begin Latin in Year 8, and having already heard lots about Roman and Greek mythology in Junior School, their appetites were whetted for the story of the hero’s adventures with the Gorgon, Medusa.

After the story, Year 7 asked Katy lots of questions, from ‘How do you remember the stories?’ to ‘What was your worst storytelling experience?’

The Year 7s liked the way the story was told very much. Hannah Taylor liked that a gong was used to introduce different ‘scenes’, and Imani Schawsmidth liked the different perspectives in the story; sometimes we were given the hero’s point of view and sometimes the other characters. ‘It felt like we were in the story!’ she said.

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