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Introducing our Gymnastics and Trampolining Captain for 2020/21, Freya Grant.

As we begin a new academic year, we’re pleased to have a number of students taking on new roles as Sport Captains. We recently caught up with Year 12 student, Freya Grant, our Gymnastics and Trampolining Captain for 2020/21, to talk about her sporting journey at Sheffield Girls’ so far, and what she's looking forward to in her role.

“I’m really excited to take up a captaincy role as I have been heavily involved with movement sports throughout my time at school, and have always looked up to previous captains and how they led with such enthusiasm and dedication. I cannot wait to encourage more of the girls to give the clubs a go, try something different and welcome new members into the gymnastics and trampolining family. I say family because that is what seems most appropriate; from being in Year 7 right through to now I have made friends with all year groups by being involved in school sport. I love the environment in the Sports Department as everyone is super supportive and always willing to give you a hand – I have met some of my best friends through doing these sports.

Over the last five years I have had so many incredible experiences with gymnastics and trampolining in school. These include going to national finals every year and even taking home the trophy in both gymnastics and trampolining in the 2018/19 season with my amazing teammates! I have had the opportunity to travel to and compete in cities such as Newcastle, Stoke-on-Trent, Belfast and even go on a Sports Tour to Canada. If I could give anyone any advice it would be to get involved in school sport and give it a go because you never know what you could achieve!

The success we have achieved could not be done without each other and the number of girls who take the opportunity to be part of our co-curricular programme across the wide variety of activities is success in itself. The titles and qualifications are an added bonus! Whilst we are unsure how 2020/21 competitions will look, be sure that you can expect a jam-packed schedule with opportunities for all to be involved.”

Freya Grant, Year 12
Freya Grant

Freya Grant

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