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Sheffield Girls' double success story as twin bursary students look to build the future

We were delighted to see last week that twin sisters Sophie and Anna-Grace Berry had doubled their A-Level success with straight A performances. Both girls proved that mixing arts and science subjects can be a great combination as they collected their incredible results on Thursday. 

Joining Sheffield Girls’ Sixth Form just two years ago in Year 12, these talented students have truly flourished, growing in confidence, and building their knowledge and experience. It’s fabulous to see their hard work and commitment rewarded with all six of their grades at A* or A.

Anna studied Spanish, Psychology and Maths and will be commencing her Bachelors degree in Psychology in September. Sophie will head in a different direction, geographically and academically, as she heads off to study Architecture with the aim of one day fulfilling her dream of building her own home. 

Reflecting on her time at the School, Sophie said: “It’s been a privilege to be taught by my teachers for two years. My Spanish programme was so immersive and interactive and the residential in Palma was amazing. It was a joy to study the subject in this way.”

Anna said, “My favourite thing about the school is the calm and focused approach to learning.”

It was a time for celebration and reflection for the twins’ Mum who said: “Today is the end of an era - I'm overjoyed but also melancholic - it's sad that their time here is over!”

The sisters studied at another school in South Yorkshire before being awarded full bursaries and starting their A-levels at Sheffield Girls’. Both girls settled quickly and flourished in their new environment, throwing themselves into extra curricular activities, taking part in Young Enterprise, the school’s annual sports extravaganza, Movement Evening, and acting as ‘Peer Educators’ as part of the sixth form’s ‘Forging Futures’ enrichment programme, providing additional learning support and activities for younger pupils. 

Chris Spick, Director of Sixth Form said, “I am delighted for both Sophie and Anna on achieving such an outstanding set of A Level results. The girls have not only thrived academically, they have embodied our school values, taking on positions of responsibility and full advantage of the wide variety of enrichment opportunities available in Sheffield Girls’ Sixth Form. I wish them every success in the future” 

Congratulations to both girls, and indeed all of our incredible A level students! 

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