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Sheffield Girls’ GCSE pupils shine, despite tougher marking by exam boards

Sheffield Girls’ had a celebratory morning with our fantastic GCSE students who achieved top results again this year. With 37% of grades awarded at 9 and 77% at 7-9 - compared to a national average of 22% - we couldn’t be prouder of our students’ commitment and dedication to their studies. 

This year, just 1160 students across the whole of England achieved all 9’s in their grades and we are delighted to say that 7 of these pupils are from our Year 11 cohort at Sheffield Girls’. 


Head, Nina Gunson, said, “Our Year 11 students are such a terrific bunch. They have so many talents and these superb results really are only half the story. That said, I know how relieved they were to see that all their hard work had paid off when they opened their results this morning, and they should all feel very proud. I now look forward to welcoming them into the Sixth Form for the next phase of their journey!”.

In a year when the gap between attainment for girls and boys has slightly declined in key subjects, and when boys have again achieved better results in Maths, Sheffield Girls’ pupils have bucked the trend with top grades across the full range of subjects: 

  • 77% of grades at 7-9 in maths and 100% at 7-9 in Further Maths. 
  • More than 85% of grades awarded across biology, chemistry and physics were at 7-9. 
  • 100% of music grades at 9 
  • 90% 7-9 in drama.

A massive congratulations to our Year 11 students, you have excelled! 

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