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Sheffield Girls' linguists achieve 100% A* / A grades at A Level

Herzlichen Glückwunsch and Felicidades to our incredible Languages A Level students, all of whom this year have achieved A* or A grades.

We offer German, French, Spanish, Latin and Mandarin in our Senior School and beyond the classroom our students enjoy the opportunity to travel overseas for language field trips, join language clubs, see foreign language movies and compete in international spelling bees. Ailsa Gray, Spanish Teacher at Sheffield Girls’ said: “I’m absolutely over the moon with our results, they are outstanding, they’ve had a tough time, missing out on their GCSE exams and I’m so proud of them. They worked so hard on all elements of the course, the essay part, the speaking exam, they were just incredible and really deserved these results.”

We’re so pleased to see the hard work of all of our linguists pay off this year and wish them the best of luck in their bi-lingual futures.

This year 100% of pupils at Sheffield Girls’ achieved grades A* - C, with 79% of grades at A* or A. Ofqual advised that results nationally will be lower this year than 2021 due to the recognised grade inflation associated with Teacher Assessed Grades, but higher than 2019 when the last external exams were sat, and we are delighted that, despite this incredibly challenging climate, we have in fact achieved the highest grades yet.

For more information about Sheffield Girls’ and the Languages curriculum at A Level visit

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