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Sheffield Girls' Year 12 students win GDST Pearson and Silver awards

We’re delighted to announce that two of our fantastic Year 12 pupils, Anyaa and Cara have been selected as prizewinners for the GDST Pearson and Silver awards. 

This wonderful opportunity allows students financial assistance to support with the cost of attending courses with a classical content. The Awards Committee consider the following:

  • Academic excellence in classical subjects
  • Commitment to study a classical subject at university
  • Contribution to school life
  • Financial need
  • Determination to overcome practical difficulties in studying classics at school where these are encountered

Our talented pupils were chosen as prizewinners after the review of their strong submission entries. 

Both students receive a £200 award to attend the JACT Classics and Ancient History Summer School and the JACT Latin Summer School. 

Anyaa, Year 12 said: 

“The Pearson and Silver award has given me the opportunity to go to the Latin summer camp in Harrogate. This is something I did last year and greatly enjoyed, so going back will not only mean that I can see all of my friends whom I met last year, but also that I can improve my Latin for the A Level next year. Latin is a particularly important subject to me as I want to pursue Classics in university, so I need to perform well in this subject to increase my chances and I know that Latin camp will help me, as it did last year. In addition to the education I'll receive in Harrogate, I am also excited to speak with other people who are just as interested in classics as I am. Last year I was able to discuss good books to read with the other students and learn a lot more about ancient history from them so I hope I can do this again this year. Overall, I'm just so grateful to have been awarded the Pearson and Silver prize and can't wait to go to summer camp!”

We couldn’t be more excited to hear how they get on after the summer period. 




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