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Staff and pupils at Sheffield Girls’ are celebrating as a number of our leading STEM pupils head off to begin their journeys into Engineering

At a time when female students are still under-represented in STEM subjects at A Level we have continued to see a higher number of pupils than average select these subjects and go on to achieve the highest grades possible.

Maria Christofilopoulou, who, along with her follow pupils, was involved in leading a recent Art and Design project with Porsche Sheffield, has achieved two A*s and two As and is heading to Bristol University to study Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Jorja Plummer, with three A*s and one A heads to the University of Manchester to study Computer Science with Industrial Experience, one of the most competitive courses in the UK this year.

Upon receiving her grades she said: “I can't believe I get 3A*s as well as an A in Spanish! I wasn’t expecting it and I am so pleased.The field of computer science is absolutely huge and is expanding every day so I have no idea what jobs are going to be out there but I’m just really excited!”

Hina Habib and Mara Sergienko, each with two A*s and one A, will both be heading north in September, to Leeds and Glasgow respectively. Hina will be studying Computer Science with Digital and Technology Solutions, whilst Mara will pursue a degree in Aerospace Systems. Anna-Dora Swain completes our cohort of engineers-to-be as she heads to the University of Sheffield to begin her BSc Chemical Engineering programme: “I’ve loved getting a deeper understanding of the specification of the subject and an understanding of the processes of the world. I’m going to miss my friends and the support at School after difficult exams. Everyone is there for each other and there is just such a great sense of community.”

Reflecting on the A Level successes of our STEM students this year, Head Nina Gunson said: “At a time when girls are so underrepresented in the fields of engineering and computer science, it gives me such pleasure to see our students gain great enjoyment and success in their STEM subjects at Sheffield Girls’ and go on to study these subjects in higher education. I am confident that the future will be in safe hands as these outstanding girls enter their chosen professions.’

This year 100% of pupils at Sheffield Girls’ achieved grades A* - C, with 79% of grades at A* or A. Ofqual advised that results nationally will be lower this year than 2021 due to the recognised grade inflation associated with Teacher Assessed Grades, but higher than 2019 when the last external exams were sat, and we are delighted that, despite this incredibly challenging climate, we have in fact achieved the highest grades yet.

We are a leading School in the South Yorkshire region in the delivery of STEM subjects at GCSE and A Level with a rich history of alumnae pursuing impressive careers in professions linked to science, technology, engineering and maths. For more information about the School’s STEM curriculum, and to learn about Head Nina Gunson and Junior Head Chris Hald’s visiting fellowships with STEM Learning, visit

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