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‘Tis The Season To Be Kind at Sheffield Girls’

As the festive season quickly approaches, we are very aware that, under normal circumstances, we would have welcomed many of you into school to attend a variety of Christmas events including music concerts, performance nights, the Carol Service and Movement Evening. We want to ensure that the girls still have the opportunity to showcase their talents and interests and that we share with our school community all that has been going on in school. 

This year, maybe more than ever before, we have carefully considered how we can ensure that our school values of positivity, courage and kindness are put into action to help each other and those struggling in our local community. At Sheffield Girls’, Monday 30th November will see the launch of ‘Tis The Season To Be Kind. 

During Form Time, all students are being encouraged to work as a small group or Form to plan and deliver an altruistic act, such as writing a card to accompany gifts and food distributed at food banks, or writing letters to care home residents and some of our elderly alumnae who live on their own.

There are numerous activities taking place in clubs and curriculum time, including Drama groups recording plays, poetry for the charity ‘Talking Newspapers’ and many more. 

We are also asking all students to bring in a new/’good as new’ gift as part of the Hallam FM’s Mission Christmas. The gift can be for a child of any age, from 4 upwards, or an item of food. We are hoping to fill the Sports Hall with kindness and deliver all the items to Food and Gift Banks in Sheffield. 

Many girls will still be involved in a traditional Carol Service which, this year, is taking place over a number of days and will be made available through Firefly and YouTube in the penultimate week of term. 

We are excited to document all of these activities on camera and are looking forward to sharing a video narrative of Sheffield Girls’ ‘Tis The Season To Be Kind’ on Tuesday 15th December. Watch this space!

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