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Year 11 designs art car with Porsche Sheffield

Our Year 11 GCSE Art cohort are working with Porsche Sheffield over the next few months on an incredibly exciting project - designing artwork for Porsche's first fully electric car, the Taycan.

Thinking about sustainability, forward thinking, excitement and curiosity, the pupils have free rein to create a design that will wrap around the entire car. The project marks an intersection between green engineering, innovation, and expressive creative design. 

Our pupils will be joining the artistic ranks of Paul Smith, Richard Phillips and Andy Warhol who all previously created their own art cars for Porsche. Once completed, the car will be unveiled at a special event in February to coincide with our Design Week.

Stay tuned for future developments. We can't wait to watch the journey of the design and see the final product!

a group of girls in blue school uniform stood around a Porsche car with two men in suits at the front

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