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Year 11 pupil awarded GDST Pearson & Silver award for Classics

We’re thrilled that Year 11 pupil Maddison Maxwell has been awarded a GDST Pearson and Silver award, a mark of her passion and dedication to studying Classics. 

The award recognises enthusiasm and academic excellence in studying Classics across the GDST. All students at GDST schools are eligible to apply, and the awards are financial contributions towards studying a course with classical content. Maddison will be attending Jact Latin Summer Camp held at Harrogate Ladies’ this summer. The course combines language clinics, talks from Classics experts, and social events for passionate enthusiasts of classical study. For Maddison, it is the perfect opportunity to push her Latin skills further. 

Maddison has been enthusiastic about studying Latin and Classics since she discovered the Percy Jackson series. We offer pupils Latin as a subject from as young as Year 7, when Maddison started attending Sheffield Girls’. Maddison, currently studying for her GCSEs, has chosen to study Spanish, English Language, Latin and Classical Civilizations at A Level. 

Maddison was encouraged to apply for the award by Head of Classics Miss Burne, and she hopes that her extra study will take her onto a classical course at university. Huge congratulations to Maddison, a very well-deserved recognition of hard work and dedication.

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