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Year 8 students visited by Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind (SRSB) following their successful sponsored read

In June, Year 7, who are now Year 8, took part in ‘Read-on’, a two week sponsored read in support of Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind (SRSB). SRSB provides opportunities, support, friendship and services to blind and partially sighted people in Sheffield, helping them to achieve whatever they wish to do and whatever they aspire to be.

With the promise of a visit by a service user and their guide dog for the winning form, our Year 7 students got busy reading and raising money for SRSB and as a year group raised £972.

Last week, the winning form group was visited by Sarah and her guide dog Hannah. Our students had the opportunity to hear about Sarah’s own experiences, learn about the different types of blindness, how guide dogs are trained and were rewarded with certificates and cuddles with lovely Hannah.

Year 8 student Harriet shared her thoughts on the visit: ‘I enjoyed meeting Hannah the guide dog, she was so cute and friendly! It was interesting to learn about how you train and bring up a guide dog and how much they help people.’ Cecilia also shared what she enjoyed about the visit: ‘I found it interesting to find out more about guide dogs and the process of training them. I also enjoyed learning about the difficulties of being blind and the different types of blindness.’

To learn more about SRSB and how they make a difference, visit their website

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