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Year 9 rises to the Stock Market Challenge

The atmosphere was electric when Year 9 took part in a half day Stock Market Challenge on 24 January. The morning was run by Mr Coote, Mr Spick and Mr Jones to give Year 9 a taste of GCSE Business and Economics, the object being to make as much 'money' as possible by selling and buying shares from the stock market.

The girls split into groups within their houses to give an extra competitive challenge to the morning, and each group was given £15,000 to start off trading.

The main school hall was set up as a trading floor, with sixth formers selling shares in pounds and dollars, and the girls were told to listen carefully to announcements on the news, as the latest share prices were flashed up on a screen and news bulletins came in on the financial affairs of the listed companies!

The girls first chose someone in their group to be a Finance Manager, an Investment Analyst, a Media Analyst and a Floor Trader; they then managed their own investments using their £15,000 starter capital. The Year 9s were very enthusiastic and got quite competitive during the morning, with team Shirreff eventually making the most profit, with over £60,000 at the close of trading.

The morning was very successful with many girls stating they would consider taking GCSE Business Studies or Economics at the end of it, just in time for the Year 9 Options Evening happening that same night.

Alice Spillings, Olivia Forrester and Freya Nolan, Y12 Media Group

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