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A chance to have The Big Conversation with Paul Blomfield MP

On Friday 6th October the Main Hall at Sheffield Girls’ was the venue for local MP Paul Blomfield's annual community consultation, the Big Conversation. All of Sixth Form Year 12 and Year 13 students had the chance to ask those burning questions, such as: ‘What will Brexit mean for us, how will it affect the National Health Service and exactly what does happen to all that money that is paid in tax?

The Big Conversation takes place in local venues all over the city every summer whilst Parliament is in recess, in order for Mr Blomfield to listen to people's concerns and answer their questions. Events include Q&As, themed discussions, or just the chance for a chat.

Paul Blomfield assured the girls: ‘What you tell me at The Big Conversation help informs what I do in Parliament.’  The girls asked some very searching questions and were assured that their concerns would be given due consideration when Parliament is in session.

Particularly interested in Politics? Study A level Government and Politics at Sheffield Girls'.

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