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Abigail appreciates art in ARTiculation 2017

Congratulations go to Year 12 student Abigail Morton from our Sixth Form on reaching the regional heat of the Articulation 2017 competition, a nationally acclaimed annual event designed to promote the appreciation and discussion of art, at the Whitworth Art Gallery in Manchester on Tuesday 25 January.

After having participated in internal heats in school, each student is invited to deliver a ten minute presentation about  a work of art, artefact or architecture of their choice. The adjudicators then assess each presentation as a whole, looking at content, structure, delivery and the speaker’s original approach and unique potential. 

For her piece, Abigail chose ‘Cage 2' by the German artist Gerhard Richter. Although she did not get through to the final, Abigail did very well and received very good feedback from the adjudicators.

The competition seeks to engage sixth form students with art and to develop their confidence and ability to express their opinions, thoughts and conclusions, and participation in the event is considered to be just as important as winning

Schools are encouraged to take along friends to give support and fellow Year 12 A-Level Art students Sumi Chen, Anna Mutale and Amy Marsden went along to as part of the audience to cheer Abigail on!

Photos courtesy of ARTiculation 2017 and The Roche Court Educational Trust: Speakers at the Whitworth with adjudicators Rory Brooks and Alison Wilding

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