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Physics is a successful and popular subject in school. The department works very hard to support students through their studies and is proud of the results they achieve. We aim to maintain this standard through the quality of the educational experience both in the classroom and beyond. Read more about studying at the best Sheffield secondary school.

Physics is an experimental subject and this is the core of our teaching in lower school. As pupils progress to GCSE we use experimental work and demonstrations to help students to develop appropriate model of the physical concepts.

Throughout their time in physics, students develop practical skills which help them with coursework practical assessments at both GCSE and A-level. Students leave the GCSE course with the abilities to continue to a higher standard.

As well as lessons, students are encouraged to seek one-to-one support which helps students to develop at their own pace and also dispels the misplaced idea that Physics is a difficult subject.

Extra-curricular Activities

We support our students through activities in and out of the classroom. These include:

  • Go4SET Engineering Project (Year 9)

  • Bridge building with a local engineering company

  • Visits to university departments

  • Headstart and other sample university courses

  • Opportunities for summer work experience

  • Visiting lecturers who talk about current issues, e.g. Dark matter

  • Visit to Jodrell Bank

The girls increase their self confidence and develop many skills by being involved in these events. This supports students in deciding and developing their future life choices.

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