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Drama and Theatre


Studying A-Level Drama and Theatre at Sheffield Girls’ is a rewarding and engaging experience. It will develop your analytical, theatrical and design skills for further study in dramatics. It’s also extremely useful in improving your spoken communication skills - essential for any future career or further learning.

Any questions? Please contact Mrs Heery, Head of Drama, on 

A Level Curriculum

The emphasis in A-Level Drama is on acting skills and effective communication. A-Level pupils can also choose to be examined in set design or costume design. Various design and technical skills are addressed throughout the course, regardless of the route you take.

What will I be studying?

You will extend your ability to create drama and will study plays, playwrights and live theatre productions. You will take part in theatre productions, and also be required to write about plays and live theatre. You will develop your powers of analysis to become an informed critic.

Written homework includes assignments such as writing-in-role, drawing and justifying ideas for theatre costumes, scriptwriting, and documenting and evaluating the practical creative process. Homework is designed to thoroughly prepare A-Level students for examinations and coursework.

Curricular Trips

Learning how to evaluate live theatre is an essential part of Drama and Theatre A-Level. Girls have opportunities to visit local productions, as well as ones further afield such as RSC theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon. We have also organised trips to experience musicals and performances in London’s West End. Seeing live theatre is essential for developing a critical and analytical mind, helping you to view theatre in a different way and to develop your own performances.

Drama Studio

Polished performances take place in the drama studio. We have a fully equipped studio with stage space, sound and lighting, a backstage area and seating for live performances.

It’s a fantastic space to hold performances which A-Level drama students have crafted and polished.

Students can also make use of various digital technologies in their performances using our drama studio, planning lighting and sound effects to emphasise moods, emotions or other experiences.

Drama Clubs and Competitions

In addition to curriculum drama, there are lunchtime drama clubs available to pupils at any age in the school. A-Level students have a chance to engage with younger members of the school, learn about theatre skills and can put on productions of plays in the drama studio.

We are always on the lookout for competitive opportunities for our A-Level students and encourage our students to take part in any competitions that they become aware of. Competitions are a fantastic way to develop new skills and gain confidence in Drama and Theatre.

Public Performances

The school play is an exciting event in the school calendar that engages pupils from every year of our Senior School. Past productions have included Daisy Pulls It Off, The Real Inspector Hound, The Importance of Being Earnest and Calamity Jane.

Auditions are open to all years and the annual school play presents a fantastic way for A-Level drama students to engage with younger members of the school. It’s not just on-stage roles that are important; for A-Level students who are passionate about costume or stage design, there are plenty of back-stage technical roles that give you the opportunity to apply the skills learnt in the classroom.

Drama evenings are run throughout the year across the Senior School and Sixth Form. These provide girls with the opportunity to practise their public performance skills by performing monologues or duologues to an invited audience of friends and family.

The Drama and Theatre department also organises theatre workshops to further extend your skills. For example, we’ve previously hosted the “Curious Incident Movement Uncovered”, run by Frantic Assembly.

LAMDA Qualifications

Alongside studying A-Level Drama, you can also participate in break and lunchtime LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art) lessons. These lead to a LAMDA qualification and are available in:

  • Solo acting
  • Duologue acting
  • Verse and Prose Speaking

Ready to learn more about Drama and Theatre at Sheffield Girls’? Get involved in an open day or event.

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