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What is Politics?

Politics is about society and we examine what society is and how and why it has changed.

This includes looking at:

  • The impact of an ageing population
  • The growing gap between rich and poor
  • The development of nationalism
  • The changes caused by immigration
  • The implications of economic change

In Politics in Sixth Form, we look at all these pressures in our society and how politicians are responding to them.

Politics is about institutions

Our country is run by a number of institutions; Parliament, Local Government, the Civil Service and increasingly, the institutions of Europe.

We ask:

  • How do these institutions work?
  • What recent changes have there been?
  • Is reform needed?
  • What does local government do?
  • What are the implications of a Scottish Parliament?
  • What are the implications of a Welsh Assembly?
  • Does Britain have a future in the European Union?
  • How will Europe affect the way decisions are made?

These questions matter to us all because they affect the way we are governed. In Politics we try to answer them.

Politics is about the United Kingdom

In Government and Politics we look at how the United Kingdom has evolved and what its future might be. In many ways this country is not united. We look at the differences that exist.

Politics is about Power

  • Who has power?
  • How do they get it?
  • How do they use it
  • How can the abuse of power be stopped?

One complaint that many people have is that they do not really have a say in the governing of Britain. We examine where the power lies, and how the ordinary citizen can exercise power and influence over politicians.

Politics is about issues.

Most arguments in politics are about issues. We look at:

  • What the political parties stand for.
  • How should the economy be best managed?
  • What future does the Welfare State have?
  • How can we improve race relations?

In Politics we look at the challenges which have arisen in these areas and the way in which our politicians have responded to them.

How is the course delivered?

  • By lecture
  • By discussion
  • By written notes and worksheets
  • By presentation
  • By private study
  • By essay writing

AS Year 12 Course Content

Unit 1: People and Politics
This introduces the ideas of citizenship and democracy. We look at the ways in which people can participate in politics through political parties and pressure groups.

Unit 2: Governing the UK
Here the making and implementation of laws are studied with particular reference to Parliament, the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Judiciary.

A2 Year 13 Course Content

Unit 3: Key Political Issues
This unit examines key policy issues such as the economy, the Welfare State, law and order, race and ethnicity and environment.

Unit 4: The EU and European Issues
Here we examine the political issues which have arisen as a result of the UK’s membership of the European Union.

What does Politics ‘go’ with?

Politics can fit with many combinations of subjects. Subjects such as History, Business Studies and Geography can enhance understanding and the development of skills.

It is also possible to combine Politics with Modern Languages. The examination of European issues is a common theme.

Politics also requires clear logical and analytical thinking which could also appeal to students learning Mathematics or Science subjects.

Any questions? Please contact Mr Fuller, Head of History & Politics, on

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